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Martin Heidegger and Georg Trakl: Language

Martin Heidegger and Georg Trakl: Language

A Weekend Webinar led by Dr. Alfred Denker

Martin Heidegger first read Trakl՚s poems as a student of theology, in the pages of the journal Der Brenner. Trakl remained one of Heidegger՚s favourite poets, second to only Hölderlin. In his famous lecture “Language,” we find his first elucidations of Trakl´s poetry. This lecture was given on 7th October, 1950, at Bühlerhöhe. Initially given in memory of Max Kommerell, it was repeated on 14th February, 1951, at the Württembergische Bibliotheksgesellschaft in Stuttgart.

In this webinar we will read and discuss this wonderful lecture in which Heidegger offers profound insights into Trakl՚s poetry as well as into the essencing (“Wesen”) of language.

Fee: 80 Euro, 60 Euro for Patrons, 40 Euro for Students and those of low-income. It is possible to attend the first session for free. Participants can obtain a certificate of participation.

For more information or to register please contract Alfred Denker:

July 24

Heidegger's Country Path Conversations (1st session)

July 29

Heideggers Denkweg anhand seiner Texte II (1930-1939) (5. Sitzung)