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Summer School: Heidegger and Early Greek Thinking

ECHS Summer School: Heidegger and Early Greek Thinking

The European Centre for Heidegger Studies presents a Zoom summer school, led by Dr. Alfred Denker.

The subject of this five day event is Heidegger’s engagement with the presocratic early Greek thinkers whom Aristotle referred to as the “Physikoi” - the thinkers of Phusis.

In particular we will be using the English collection of essays entitled Early Greek Thinking to explore Heidegger’s attempts to retrieve the early spirit of Greek thought. Early Greek Thinking contains four essays of which three will be read and discussed during this webinar:

Logos. A contribution to the Festschrift für Hans Jantzen, edited by Kurt Bauch (Berlin, 1951), pp. 7 ff.; presented as a lecture to the Bremen Club on May 4, 1951; fully discussed in an unpublished lecture course in the summer semester of 1944 entitled “Logic.”

Moira. An undelivered portion of the lecture course published as Was heißt Denken? (Tubingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1954), with reference to pp. 146 ff. [Cf. What Is Called Thinking?, translated by Fred D. Wieck and J. Glenn Cray (New York: Harper & Row, 1968), pp. 240-44.]

Aletheia. A contribution to the Festschrift in honour of the 350th anniversary celebration of the Humanistic Gymnasium in Constance; first delivered in an unpublished lecture course on Heraclitus in the summer semester of 1943.

From: Martin Heidegger, Early Greek Thinking, New York, 1984.

Fee: 150 Euro, 120 Euro for Patrons, 90 Euro for Students and low-income. You can attend your first session for free. Participants can obtain a certificate of participation.

To register, or for more information, please contact Alfred Denker via

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